Wednesday 20 August 2008

LiveDaily Song of the Day: 3OH!3 - 'Punkbitch'

Today's Song of the Day is by 3OH!3 [ ]. The featured cut is "Punkbitch," which appears on the duo's recent July release, "Want."


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Sunday 10 August 2008

U.S. Preventive Medicine Supports Testing Older Men For Prostate Cancer

�U.S. Preventive Medicine,
(, the drawing card in disease prevention,
said today that routine screening and testing of men age 75 and older for
prostate cancer canful still be appropriate and that doing so hindquarters help old
men live a yearner and healthy life.

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force this week recommended that
doctors stop routine prostate cancer screening of men elderly than 75, citing
grounds that the benefits of treatment based on routine screening of this
historic period group are small to none and that there is more evidence of harm than

"While there crapper be reduced use of prostate screening in the oldest
workforce, due to the oftentimes slow increase of prostate cancer, that does not mean it
is unfitting to try out for prostate cancer, peculiarly in differently
healthy elder men world Health Organization are vigorous and appear to be in good health," aforementioned
Dr. Boyd Lyles, Chief Medical Officer at U.S. Preventive Medicine and a
leading authorization on preventive medicine. "Without question, the healthier
a person is at that age the more benefit can be gained by continuing to be
active with signal detection and prevention efforts."

Dr. Lyles points out that there are various discussion options for
prostate crab, including sleepless waiting, with periodic PSA testing, to
several types of radiation and surgery.

"I am a firm supporter of periodic PSA and digital exam testing,
along with a discussion of all treatment options with the older patient if
cancer is establish, so that an informed decision around treatment options can
be made," aforesaid Dr. Lyles.

About U.S. Preventive Medicine

U.S. Preventive Medicine(R), a privately-owned health management
company with clients nationwide and the United Kingdom, is focused entirely
on disease bar. The Company offers employers, government agencies
and consumers proprietary products that better health and productivity
patch reducing healthcare costs. Company products include the
first-of-its-kind health welfare, The Prevention Plan(TM), a personalized
health management and wellness programme delivered on-line and telephonically;
and The Prevention Plan CM(TM), a chronic care management program
customized for individuals with existing aesculapian issues. Other services are
available through the Center for Preventive Medicine(R) and The Preventive
Network(TM), which offer high technology, early detection screening programs with
affiliated physician groups, hospitals and health systems. and

U.S. Preventive Medicine

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